About Us

Documentary style storytelling that inspires positive change, highlights potential solutions to complex problems, and fosters community building.

We collaborate with creatives worldwide and have worked on award-winning projects large and small.

Kristin Cantu

PARTNER / Producer

Kristin is a taskmaster and storyteller, collaborating with clients to shepherd projects from concept to completion and through all the steps in between.  She is known as a go-to problem solver, who clients rely on to manage multi-faceted projects large and small with the ability to adapt on the fly to changing circumstances.

Chad Ervin

PARTNER / Director

Chad has worked in nearly every facet of video production: editor, writer, producer, director, animator, videographer, and story consultant. Chad oversees script writing, concept development, and anything that requires a computer or camera.

Services & Process

Every project has different needs and we have experience in every aspect of modern media creation.  We frequently help clients take an idea from concept through completed video, and just as often jump in to assist on one aspect as part of a larger team. In addition to creating videos and films we are able to provide consultation on communication strategy, social media, and documentary film story & creative concept.


Planning, scripting, and scheduling of the project.  Time spent planning in pre-production makes production and post production more efficient.


Filming of interviews, beauty footage, recording of audio.

Post Production

Footage, still photos, and music edited to bring the project together, using whichever professional quality app best suits the project. 

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